We are ordinary people who believe that Jesus is God, who took on human form, and that He came among us so we can be set free from our brokenness. Jesus perfectly embodies love; our hope is in Him!
We believe Jesus really wants us to put into practice the things He taught. He puts His Spirit in those of us who follow Him, to empower and guide us. Even with the Spirit’s help, we still often fail, but Jesus is merciful. The process of being transformed by Him is long and sometimes hard, but the joy and fulfillment in living for the one true God is a beautiful journey.
Our lives as well as our faith are centered around Jesus, so we view the world and read the Scripture through that lens. What a difference! We find a lot of encouragement in being involved with others who are also on the Jesus journey. It helps us grow in following Him as well as trusting in God. We love to worship God, and we’re learning to do it more freely and sincerely.
Many of us do not have a Mennonite background. You don’t need to have any church background to join us. We are eager to share the good news we’ve discovered about Jesus with others wherever we can: there’s grace and mercy for everyone!
To learn more about our beliefs: http://www.mennolink.org/doc/